Welcome to The Way Home

Hello there, stranger! I’m Gaia and nature has always been my main source of inspiration. That’s why I created a virtual space for other nature writers and everyone who loves the natural world.

Here you will find:

Our world is changing, but we still have agency over our own existence. Now, more than ever, we need to find our own pace. We need serenity, mindfulness, and purpose. We need to honour our talents.

If you’re interested in simple and slow living, the natural world, and the writing craft, I’m so glad you found The Way Home.

The Way Home is a reader-supported publication. Consider becoming a free or paid subscriber to receive my original resources on nature writing.

Who is Writing This?

I’m Gaia Kriscak, a nature writer, researcher (I’m getting my PhD next year — hype!), and certified coach. I low-key think that our species might be irreversibly doomed. Because of that, my goal is to enjoy who I am, infuse love and empathy into everything I do, and write about nature until I turn into moss.

I’m all about sustainability, simple living, ecocentrism, and optimistic nihilism (nothing matters so you decide what does).

Through my writing, I want to help others find solace in the natural world, beauty in their everyday lives, and purpose in their talents.

I write observational essays on nature, home, and identity. I create resources to help other nature writers thrive.

picture of me holding a chicken

I spend my days writing, reading, and drinking tea with my partner in northern Portugal. At the end of June I’ll be relocating to Italy to find a new home for us. I’ll document the process of finding and creating our own budget-friendly, sustainable, self-sufficient haven.

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The Way Home is all about nature, home, and identity. Subscribe for free to benefit from some open posts. Or become part of The Way Home community to get access to all my writings and resources. Enjoy a mindful, ecocentric, and authentic virtual space, there to balance our chaotic and precarious times.

Subscribe to The Way Home

Free resources for new nature writers. Observational essays about nature, home, and the self. Admire the natural world at the twilight of mankind.


Writer, coach, researcher. Founder of The Way Home. I write about nature, home, and identity and I create resources for nature writers.